Cosmetic Dentistry, Implants & Family Care.

Sydney Root Canal Dentists


Sydney root canal specialistsIf you are currently experiencing tooth discomfort or have received a recommendation for a root canal procedure, the team at Jacaranda Dental Surgery are here to help. Our primary objective is to educate and make you feel comfortable and at ease ahead of your procedure.

Types of Dentures

The proper name for this type of treatment is Endodontics. It’s also called Root Canal Therapy or root treatment. Root canal treatment, often simply called a root canal, is a dental procedure designed to save a damaged or infected tooth. It can save a tooth by removing the dead and infected nerve tissue in the root of the tooth. Successful Root Canal Therapy will:

  • Save a tooth from being taken out
  • Stop the pain (if the nerve is infected)
  • Stop the spread of infection
  • Prevent an abscess from forming

What is Involved in a Root Canal Procedure?

It’s a common misconception that root canal treatment is painful, but actually it is a solution to pain caused by severe tooth decay or infection. During a root canal, our experienced dentists will carefully remove the damaged or infected pulp inside your tooth. After cleaning and disinfecting the area, we’ll seal the tooth to prevent further infection. This procedure helps you keep your natural tooth and eliminates the need for extraction.

How Long Does a Root Canal Last?

One of the most common questions about root canals is, “How long does a root canal last?” When performed correctly and with proper care, a root canal can last a long time. However, your tooth’s longevity depends on factors like oral hygiene and any additional dental work needed after the procedure. These teeth are often weakened in the first place so we usually recommend a crown for longevity.
Regular check ups Regular check-ups with our team will ensure the long-term success of your root canal.

Signs You Might Need a Root Canal

Common signs of required root canal include:

  • Severe Toothache: Persistent and throbbing pain, especially when chewing or applying pressure.
  • Sensitivity: Extreme sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, even after the source is removed.
  • Swelling: Swollen, tender gums around a specific tooth.
  • Darkening of the Tooth: Discolouration of the affected tooth, often turning it grey or dark yellow.
  • Pimple on the Gums: A pimple-like bump on the gums near the affected tooth.

If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s essential to consult our experienced dentists at Jacaranda Dental Surgery for a thorough evaluation.

Root Canal Treatment Cost

At Jacaranda Dental Surgery, we understand that cost can be a concern. The cost of a root canal treatment can vary based on several factors, including the tooth’s location and the extent of the damage. However, we are committed to providing transparent pricing and discussing your treatment plan and payment options before any procedure. We work with most insurance providers to help ease the financial burden.

Your Local Sutherland Shire Root Canal Dentists

Choose Jacaranda Dental Surgery as your local Sutherland Shire root canal experts. Our skilled dentists have years of experience in performing successful root canals, using the latest dental technology to ensure your comfort and safety. We prioritise your well-being and are dedicated to preserving your natural teeth.

Why Choose Jacaranda Dental Surgery for root canal?

Experienced and compassionate team

  • State-of-the-art technology
  • Affordable pricing and payment options
  • Commitment to your dental health

Don’t let tooth pain or dental problems hold you back. Contact Jacaranda Dental Surgery today to schedule a consultation with our expert root canal dentists. Your smile and oral health are our top priorities. Let us be your trusted partner on your journey to a healthier, pain-free mouth.